Platform for Smart Car to Car Content Delivery

ITEA2 Nº 11037, QREN Nº 30345


Modern vehicles are like a four wheel computer which maintenance requires more computer skills than use of hammers, screwdrivers and spanners. The vehicles are aware of not only their operational state but also their surroundings through sensors, radars and GPS capabilities. The newest trend is to allow vehicles to exchange information thus making them networking.

Therefore, the need for software-intensive in-vehicle applications and services is obvious. The CarCoDe (Platform for Smart Car to Car Content Delivery) project will develop a software platform for automotive domain which evokes the generation of the traffic service domain ecosystem. The aim is that the tools are automotive, device and operating system independent software for allowing third party developers to generate new innovative applications.


The CarCoDe project reached its completion in June 2015, and the partners of the project organized a final event in Castelo Branco, Portugal to disseminate and discuss the project results.

The workshop was attended by important actors in the Portuguese and international automotive industry and PAs, such as BMW, Toyota, the European Commission, Airbus, Portugal Telecom, Alcatel-Lucent, the Municipality of Castelo Branco, and Business Association of Beira Baixa. The workshop had media coverage by both the national television SIC, and the magazine Exame Informatica.

More information can be found at the workshop website


CarCoDe is an ITEA2 labeled European project (ITEA2 Nº 11037).
Portuguese partners are funded in the scope of a national QREN project (contract Nº 30345), running from July 1st 2013 to June 30th 2015.
This website reflects the Portuguese project. More information on the European project can be found at the ITEA2-CarCoDe website