
A system model and stack for the parallelization of time-critical applications on many-core architectures
Ref: CISTER-TR-141206       Publication Date: 21, Jan, 2015

A system model and stack for the parallelization of time-critical applications on many-core architectures

Ref: CISTER-TR-141206       Publication Date: 21, Jan, 2015

Many embedded systems are subject to stringent timing requirements that compel them to "react" within pre-de ned time bounds. The said "reaction" may be understood as simply outputting the results of a basic computation, but may also mean engaging in complex interactions with the surrounding environment. Although these strict temporal requirements advocate the use of simple and predictable hardware architectures that allow for the computation of tight upper-bounds on the software response time, meanwhile most of these embedded systems steadily demand for more and more computational performance, which weighs in favor of specialized, complex, and optimized multi-core and many-core processors on which the execution of the application can be parallelized. However, it is not straightforward how event-based embedded applications can be structured in order to take advantage and fully exploit the parallelization opportunities and achieve higher performance and energy-efficient computing. The P-SOCRATES project envisions the necessity to bring together next-generation many-core accelerators from the embedded computing domain with the programming models and techniques from the high-performance computing domain, supporting this with real-time methodologies to provide timing predictability.
This paper gives an overview of the system model and software stack proposed in the P-SOCRATES project to facilitate the deployment and execution of parallel applications on many-core infrastructures, while preserving the time-predictability of the execution required by real-time practices to upper-bound the response time of the embedded application.

Vincent Nélis
Patrick Meumeu Yomsi
Luis Miguel Pinho
Eduardo Quiñones
Marko Bertogna
Andrea Marongiu
Paolo Gai
Claudio Scordino

3rd Workshop on High-performance and Real-time Embedded Systems (HIRES 2015).
Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Record Date: 12, Dec, 2014