Runtime Monitoring and Verification Framework for Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems
Ref: CISTER-TR-200206 Publication Date: 13, Feb, 2020
Runtime Monitoring and Verification Framework for Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems
Ref: CISTER-TR-200206 Publication Date: 13, Feb, 2020Abstract:
The Robot Operating System (ROS) is becoming more and more adopted as a reference frame-work for the development of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), as a well-featured distributed systemthat facilitates and regulates communication between distributed applications through a publish-subscribe architecture.Given the critical levels of many CPS applications, it becomes fundamental that we haveproper means to observe and verify the system during its operation. One way is to follow anapproach based on runtime monitoring and verification, but these approaches require strict man-agement of the events observed in the system. ROS lacks such means of enable monitoring andverification, and the results of this thesis aim at filling that gap.In this thesis we present a runtime monitoring and verification framework that implements aninstrumentation technique that we use to monitor inferred events from ROS topics, detect ROSnodes intrusion, and estimate traces of the states of the system to enable the coupling of monitorsspecified using formal language with our monitoring framework.We have validated our proposal in two different simulators, in an automotive scenario. Wealso performed some initial tests that indicate that the overhead introduced could be acceptable tosome classes of CPS, at least in simulations in order to increase their accuracy.
Master Thesis, FEUP.
Notes: Presidente do Júri: Luis Almeida, FEUP Arguente: Artur Pereira, DETI /UA Orientador: David Pereira, CISTER/ISEP; Armando Sousa, FEUP
Record Date: 17, Feb, 2020