Simulation Relations, Interface Complexity, and Resource Optimality for Real-Time Hierachical Systems
Ref: HURRAY-TR-100102 Publication Date: 15, Oct, 2009
Simulation Relations, Interface Complexity, and Resource Optimality for Real-Time Hierachical Systems
Ref: HURRAY-TR-100102 Publication Date: 15, Oct, 2009Abstract:
Compositional schedulability analysis of hierarchical real-time systems is a well-studied problem. Various techniques have been developed to abstract resource requirements of components in such systems, and schedulability has been addressed
using these abstract representations (also called component interfaces). These approaches for compositional analysis incur resource overheads when they abstract components into interfaces. In this talk, we define notions of resource schedulability and optimality for component interfaces, and compare various approaches.
Workshop on Reconciling Performance with Predictability (RePP).
Grenoble, France.
Notes: During the ESWEEK Embedded Systems Week 2009
Record Date: 12, Jan, 2010
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