DCE 2019
3rd Doctoral Congress in EngineeringPorto, Portugal
Homepage: https://paginas.fe.up.pt/~dce/2019/

CISTER's participants:
Conference or Workshop Posters/Demos
An Analysis of the Two-Ray Propagation Model to Support Near-Surface Overwater Wireless Sensor Networks Design CISTER-TR-190513
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Luis Pinto, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luís AlmeidaPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019, Symposium on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Porto, Portugal.Extended Abstract
Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Luis Pinto, Pedro Miguel Santos, Luís AlmeidaPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019, Symposium on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Porto, Portugal.Extended Abstract
Routing Aware DSME Networks CISTER-TR-190602
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.Best oral communication Award (in ex aequo)
Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubâa, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.Best oral communication Award (in ex aequo)
An Intersection Management Protocol for Mixed Autonomous and Legacy Vehicles CISTER-TR-190603
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.
Radha Reddy, Luís Almeida, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.
Deep Learning Based Communication: an Adversarial Approach CISTER-TR-190605
Yousef Emami, Rahim TaheriPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.
Yousef Emami, Rahim TaheriPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.
Towards the design of a DSL to enable the secure Runtime Monitoring and Verification of Safety-Critical CPS CISTER-TR-190606
Giann NandiPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.
Giann NandiPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.
ResilienceP Analysis: Bounding Cache Persistence Reload Overhead for Set-Associative Caches CISTER-TR-190607
Syed Aftab RashidPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.
Syed Aftab RashidPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.
Development of the trajectory planner and control system of a spherical robot manipulator embedded in a FPGA board CISTER-TR-190609
Enio Filho, CH Llanos Quintero, GC de CarvalhoPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.Best poster presentation Award
Enio Filho, CH Llanos Quintero, GC de CarvalhoPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.Best poster presentation Award
Automatic Allocation of Tasks in T-Res for WSN CISTER-TR-190604
Shashank Gaur, Luís Almeida, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.
Shashank Gaur, Luís Almeida, Eduardo TovarPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.
Low Cost IOT system for Residential Automation using Open Hardware and Open Software with a Focus on Disabilities CISTER-TR-190608
Felipe Oliveira Prado, Joiro Gomes da Silva Neto, Enio FilhoPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.
Felipe Oliveira Prado, Joiro Gomes da Silva Neto, Enio FilhoPoster presented in 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019). 27 to 28, Jun, 2019. Porto, Portugal.