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This search, performed through 211.24 KB (10 documents, 2414 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 5 results.

SeminarsSpring2011 — 35.0%

[...] overhead. It presents a schedulability analysis for slotted-WiDOM which is based on non-preemptive static-priority scheduling and schedulability analysis together with its experimental validation. Speaker Bio.: Maryam Vahabi received her degree in Electrical Engineering in 2003. She obtained her Master of Science in Communication Network Engineering in 2009. She has joined the CISTER research lab in July, 2009. Currently, she is working on the field of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and more specifically, WiDom protocol. Talk slides: pdf May 13 - José Marinho, [...]

CISTER Seminar Series (Summer 2010) — 30.0%

[...] (pdf) Talk slides: pdf July 9 - Artem Burmyakov, ISEP, Portugal - Techniques for Multiprocessor Global Schedulability Analysis Talk Abstract: The scheduling of sporadic task systems upon multiprocessor platforms is considered, when inter-processor migration is permitted. It is known that current schedulability tests for such systems perform quite poorly when compared to schedulability tests for partitioned scheduling. Limitations of current tests are identified, which may be responsible for the unsatisfactory performance of these tests. A new test that overcomes [...]

CISTER Distinguished Seminar Series — 20.0%

[...] Prague, Czech Republic Talk abstract: This talk presents the algorithms that allow creating of a static schedule for Profinet IO IRT (an industrial Ethernet protocol standardized in IEC61158), IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee (beacon enabled cluster-tree Wireless Sensor Network) and preliminary results for FlexRay. Furthermore, the problem is extended by useful temporal constraints (i.e. release dates, deadlines and end-to-end deadlines of the messages) providing a greater flexibility with respect to the individual messages. Due to this flexibility, it is possible to place the [...]

CISTER Seminar Series (Spring 2009) — 10.0%

[...] Good. (A clock Synchronization Approach) We present a novel low-power hardware module for achieving global clock synchronization by tuning to the electromagnetic energy radiating from existing AC power lines. This signal can be used as a global [...]

Fall 2011 — 5.0%

[...] for a set of tasks. Although the required parameters to obtain the request profile can be obtained by static analysis, we provide an alternative method [...]

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