
Reliable Communication in Distributed Computer-Controlled Systems
Ref: HURRAY-TR-0114       Publication Date: 14, May, 2001

Reliable Communication in Distributed Computer-Controlled Systems

Ref: HURRAY-TR-0114       Publication Date: 14, May, 2001

Controller Area Network (CAN) is a fieldbus network suitable for small-scale Distributed Computer Controlled Systems, being appropriate for transferring short real-time messages. However, CAN networks are also known to present some reliability problems, which can lead to an inconsistent message delivery, thus to an unreliable behaviour of the supported applications. In this paper, a set of atomic multicast protocols for CAN networks is presented, preventing the occurrence of such unreliable behaviours. The proposed protocols explore the CAN synchronous properties to minimise its run-time overhead, and to provide a timely service to the supported applications. The paper also presents conclusions drawn from the implementation of the protocols in the Ada version of Real-Time Linux.

Luis Miguel Pinho
Francisco Vasques

6th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (Ada-Europe'2001), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2043, pp 136-147.
Leuven, Belgium.


Record Date: 1, Mar, 2001