
Temporal Isolation with Preemption Delay Accounting
Ref: CISTER-TR-140703       Publication Date: 16 to 19, Sep, 2014

Temporal Isolation with Preemption Delay Accounting

Ref: CISTER-TR-140703       Publication Date: 16 to 19, Sep, 2014

Reservation systems are generally employed to enforce temporal isolation between applications. In the real-time context the corresponding temporal isolation requires not only the consideration of the direct interference due to execution of higher priority tasks, but also the indirect cost of e.g. cacherelated preemption delay. The accounting of this in a server-based implementation of temporal isolation poses special challenges, in particular when misbehaving in the form of overruns and violation of the minimum inter-arrival time of an application are to be covered. We present a novel approach to extend the fault coverage and reduce the pessimism when compared to the state of the art. Furthermore we demonstrate that the extra implementation of the introduced mechanisms over the state of the art can be very low on complexity.

José Marinho
Vincent Nélis
Stefan M. Petters

19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2014).
Barcelona, Spain.

Record Date: 3, Jul, 2014