Emmon Technical Startup Meeting
Emmon Technical Startup MeetingPorto, Portugal
Homepage: http://www.artemis-emmon.eu/

The technical startup meeting of Emmon european project.
The EMMON project aims to allow monitoring geographical extensions using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) devices - small communicating & cooperative nodes with sensors. In order to achieve this ambition, EMMON will perform technological research at the level of devices, in new, efficient, and low power consumption communication protocols, embedded software with better overall energy efficiency, secure, fault-tolerant and reliable middleware for large scale monitoring and remote command & control operational systems for end-users. The objective is to accomplish that these embedded devices can be placed in the environment to perform continuous monitoring and situation analysis, targeted at specific scenarios (water pipelines, urban quality of life, forest and marine environments, civil protection) detecting abnormal variations and broadcast rapidly alarms and alerts. EMMON has strong end-user involvement to have input about needs for large scale WSN utilization and maximize long term project impact.
Short link for this page: www.cister.isep.pt/events/382