Fifth ACM International Conference on Embedded SoftwareHyatt Regency Jersey City, Jersey City, U.S.A.
Homepage: http://www.emsoft.org

Sponsors: ACM

Deadline: 17, Apr, 2005
The ACM Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT) is the premiere venue for resarch into all aspects of embedded systems software. Embedded computing systems range from complex networks to complex systems-on-chips. Common core principles inform the design of all embedded software, with domain-specific techniques helping to fill the gap between general principles and real-world practice. EMSOFT 2005 is interested in topics including but not limited to: System design examples in all domains: automotive, consumer electronics, communications, avoinics, etc. Model-based software architecture and design. Software for embedded multiprocessors. Networked embedded systems. Ad-hoc networks of embedded computers. Embedded system security. Models of computation and formal methods. System design and integration methodologies. Programming languages and software engineering. Compilers for embedded software and processors. Operating systems and scheduling. Middleware for embedded systems. Hardware/software interfaces and system-level design. Hardware-dependent software and system-on-chip support.
Short link for this page: www.cister.isep.pt/events/120