FDL 22
The 25th Forum on specification & Design LanguagesLinz, Austria
Homepage: http://fdl-conference.com/

Deadline: 2, May, 2022
The 25th Forum on specification and Design Languages (FDL) is an international event where academics and industrials exchange their experiences, advances and the new trends in the languages and techniques used along any phase of the development process of hardware and platform based Cyber Physical Systems. The targeted systems encompass distributed, real time, embedded systems, mechatronics, IoT, reactive systems amongst others; not only for the software part but also at the system level, i.e., including different concerns like for instance the hardware platform and the physical environment.
FDL stimulates scientific and controversial discussions within and in-between scientific topics at different maturity levels.
Short link for this page: www.cister.isep.pt/events/1959