ICCPS 2024
15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical SystemsHong Kong, China
Homepage: https://iccps.acm.org/2023/

Call for Papers: https://iccps.acm.org/2024/call-for-papers/index.html Deadline: 24, Oct, 2023
The 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS) is set to convene in Hong Kong from May 13-16, 2024 as part of the CPS-IoT Week 2024.
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are societal-scale engineered systems that are built from, and depend upon, the seamless, correct and safe integration of physical processes, computation components, and in most cases the human supervisors. As a multi-disciplinary discipline, CPS engineering requires theoretical analysis, advanced heuristics, artificial intelligence, security methodologies and big data to work seamlessly together. The deployment of CPS is profoundly transforming how we interact with the physical world, just as the world wide web transformed how we interact with one another. Impact of CPS science is visible across a number of challenging domains including autonomous systems, agriculture, aeronautics, building design, civil infrastructure, energy, environmental quality, healthcare and personalized medicine, manufacturing, and transportation. Further integration, and innovations in CPS will continue to have an enormous societal and economic impact.
International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS) is the premier forum for presenting and discussing the most significant recent technical research contributions in the field of CPS
Short link for this page: www.cister.isep.pt/events/2102