ICDCS 2006
The 26th International Conference on Distributed Computing SystemsLisboa, Portugal
Homepage: http://icdcs2006.di.fc.ul.pt/

Sponsors: IEEE-CS

Deadline: 22, Nov, 2005
The conference provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry and government to present their latest research findings in any aspects of distributed and parallel computing. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
o Algorithms and Theory
o Autonomic Computing
o Data Management
o Fault-Tolerance and Dependability
o Internet Computing and Applications
o Network Protocols
o Operating Systems and Middleware
o Parallel, cluster and GRID Computing
o Peer to Peer
o Security
o Sensor Networks and Ubiquous Computing
o Wireless and Mobile Computing
CISTER's main roles:
Short link for this page: www.cister.isep.pt/events/155