
MobiQuitous 2008

MobiQuitous 2008

5th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services
21, May, 2008 to 25, May, 2008
University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Homepage: http://www.mobiquitous.org/Outside Link
Sponsors: ACMOutside Link
Deadline: 10, Mar, 2008

Technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, are solicited. Technical papers clearly identifying how the specific contributions fit to an overall working system are particularly of interest. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Ubiquitous architectures, systems and applications
- Wearable computing and personal area networks
- Wireless technologies (Bluetooth, ZigBee, 802.15.x, WiFi, WiMAX)
- Wireless Internet access in ubiquitous systems
- Ad hoc and sensor network support for ubiquitous computing
- Reconfigurability and personalization of wireless networks
- Wireless/mobile service management and delivery
- Security, privacy and social issues of mobile and ubiquitous systems
- Service and knowledge discovery, matching and composition mechanisms
- Location-based services and tracking in ubiquitous environments
- Context- and location-aware applications
- Agent technologies in ubiquitous, wearable, and mobile systems
- Context modeling, services and frameworks
- Toolkits, testbeds, development environments, and languages for ubiquitous computing
- Rapid prototyping of ubiquitous applications
- Ontologies for mobile and ubiquitous computing
- Mobile and ubiquitous data management and processing
- Data replication, migration and dissemination in ubiquitous environments
- Queries, transactions and workflows in mobile and ubiquitous environments
- Multimodal interfaces (speech, video kinetic, tactile)