2nd Intl Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time ApplicationsHilton Dresden Hotel, Dresden, Germany
Homepage: http://ecrts06.tudos.org/


Deadline: 11, May, 2006
The Euromicro Technical Committee organizes a number of satellite events attached to its 18th International Real-Time Systems Conference. This workshop is the second in a series of workshops on real-time and embedded operating systems.
Research on innovative RTOS architectures and services is a hot topic. Developers of Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) are faced with many challenges arising from two opposing needs: extreme optimization of resource usage (processor, energy, network bandwidth, etc.) and dynamic configuration, flexible scheduling, component-based development and deployment, etc. While real-time systems continue to be used in many small embedded applications, real-time services are being introduced and used in general- purpose operating systems. Notable examples are the various flavors Linux that provide support to time-sensitive applications.
This workshop is intended as a forum for researchers and practitioners of RTOS to discuss the recent advances in RTOS technology and the challenges that lie ahead.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Dynamic reconfiguration and upgrading;
- Support for component based development;
- Scalability, from very small-scale embedded systems to full-fledged OSes;
- Flexible scheduling;
- Quality of Service guarantees;
- Real-Time on Linux;
- Interaction with reconfigurable hardware;
- Support for embedded multi-processor architectures;
- Coordinated management of multiple resources;
- Security and fault tolerance for embedded real-time systems;
- Power-aware operating systems.
The workshop will consist of submitted papers as well as invited presentations about academic state-of-the-art and industrial state-of-practice within the area.
Short link for this page: www.cister.isep.pt/events/160