RTNS 2006
14th International Conference on Real-Time and Network SystemsPoitiers, France
Homepage: http://www.lisi.ensma.fr/rtns06/

Deadline: 15, Nov, 2005
The purpose of the conference is to share ideas, experiences and information among academic researchers, developers and service providers in the field of REAL-TIME and NETWORK SYSTEMS. RTNS'2006 is the 14th edition of RTS (Real-Time Systems, Paris). This new edition extends the conference scopes to Real-Time and Dependable Network Systems. The Program Committee is soliciting papers describing original work related to the following topics:
* RT Distributed Systems, * Middleware, Architecture Supports, * Wired and Wireless Networks, Sensor Networks, Fieldbuses, * Embedded Operating Systems, RT Programming Language, * RT Software Engineering, System Development Tools, * Quality of Service, Worst-Case Execution Time, * Task Scheduling, Message Scheduling, Fault-Tolerance, * Specification, Modeling, Verification, Evaluation, * Synchronous Languages, Energy Management, * Data Transfer Protocol, Networked Control Systems.
Short link for this page: www.cister.isep.pt/events/140