19th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
2, Dec, 1998 to 4, Dec, 1998
Palace Hotel, Madrid, Spain
Homepage: http://www.ati.es/RTSS98/Outside Link
Sponsors: IEEE-CSOutside Link
Deadline: 1, May, 1998

RTSS '98 will bring together a wide body of researchers and developers, to advance the science and practice of real-time computing. The RTSS program includes many aspects of real-time and embedded systems, including modeling and design methods, operating systems, scheduling algorithms, databases, file systems, networks and communications, programming languages, formal methods, architecture, middleware and APIs, instrumentation, fault tolerance, software engineering, performance analysis, embedded systems,signal processing, multimedia applications, process control, tool support - and a lot more.

CISTER's participants:
Eduardo Tovar
CISTER's main roles:
Luis Miguel Pinho