28th IFAC/IFIP Workshop on Real-Time ProgrammingHilton Hotel, Istanbul, Türkiye
Homepage: http://www.enre.umd.edu/iwss2004/index.htm

Sponsors: IFAC

Deadline: 15, Apr, 2004
WRTP 2004 will be held in conjunction with IWSS 2004 - International Workshop on Software Systems. IWSS aims at providing a critical survey of the current status of tools, methods, and technologies for elaborating software and complex systems. Particular emphasis will be laid on software & systems engineering approaches useful in defined, building, verifying today's many safety critical system applications. Within the framework of IWSS, programming of real-time systems with its specification is one of the most critical domains. Although pervading in more and more safety critical computer control applications, the discipline still lacks systematic elaboration and formalization. Further, novel methodologies and techniques from general computing are making their way into the real-time domain. The workshop will consist of formal presentations, discussions, and informal meetings covering recent advances and current issues in theory, applications, and technology of real-time programming and real-time database management. It is intended to promote interaction among researchers and practitioners and to evaluate the maturity of new directions in real-time software and real-time database systems.
Short link for this page: www.cister.isep.pt/events/108