WTR 2006
8th Brazilian Workshop on Real-Time SystemsEstação Embratel Convention Center, Curitiba, Brasil
Homepage: http://www.ieeta.pt/lse/wtr2006

Deadline: 6, Mar, 2006
WTR 2006 seeks new contributions on any aspects of Real Time Systems.
Authors are invited to submit original work dealing with research, experiments or case studies. A special focus will be given, this year, to relevant industrial case studies as well as industry-university projects. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Modeling; Formal Methods; Hardware/Software Co-design; Software Engineering; Real Time Middleware; Scheduling Algorithms and Analysis; Energy and Power aware RT; Communication Protocols; Sensor Networks; Distributed Systems; Fault Tolerance; Embedded Systems; Ubiquitous Computing; Software and hardware Architectures; Operating systems; Mobile Computing; Multimedia and QoS Support; Soft, hard, firm Real Time systems; Programming languages; Real Time Databases; Industrial applications.To be held in conjunction with the 24th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks
CISTER's main roles:
Short link for this page: www.cister.isep.pt/events/146