Description of work
- WP1 Project management takes care of management issues including administrative, technical, financial and legal coordination as well as the management of the knowledge and intellectual property gained in during the project.
- WP2 User needs and architecture specification aims to identify the use case scenarios, their requirements, and to built the according system architecture.
- WP 3 Wireless information exchange and data aggregation addresses the functional and system level architecture for the CarCoDe platform. The purpose of is to make a static description of the various modules, software and hardware and then to include dynamic data flow from acquisition to decision-making.
- WP 4 Services platform aims to develop applications on top of the CarCoDe platform. This WP is heavily dependent on the previous ones, as it uses the technologies developed as a framework for the real life case scenarios.
- WP 5 Applications and demonstrators. The main objective of the WP5 is to develop applications on top of the CarCoDe platform. The applications to be dedeveloped addresses the needs of three main end users: Emergency services, transport companies and private citizens
- WP 6 Dissemination and exploitation. The main objective of this WP is both to make relevant stakeholders and the international community aware of the project results and also to guide the exploitation strategy of the project.