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CISTER wraps up European Network of Excellence in Cooperating Objects

10, Feb, 2013
CISTER/INESC-TEC researchers Filipe Pacheco and Mário Alves participated in the final Review Meeting of FP7 European Network of Excellence in Cooperating Objects (CONET) in Brussels, Belgium, on the 29/JAN/2013.

Filipe presented the major outcomes of the SDP (Scalable Data Processing) research cluster where CISTER’s unique in-network data processing algorithms are combined with knowledge from researchers in Dublin (NUIG DERI), Duisburg (UDE) and Cyprus (UCY). The cluster worked to provide innovative comprehensive end-to-end data collection, processing and distribution with massive data sets combining not only sensor data but also social data and the semantic web information. Results were published in top journals and the cluster received the CONET’s PhD Best Thesis Award.

Mário presented the WP5 (Spreading of Excellence) results and the COTS4QoS research cluster. The COTS4QoS research cluster produced excellent R&D results, namely a number of scientific publications in top conferences and journals, as a corollary of the synergies created among partners (ISEP (leader), UDE, ICS, UBerlin, UCLondon, UNIPisa, TCDublin) and a set of planning/engineering tools that widely used by the international community. This cluster also produced relevant standardization, outreach and exploitation results.

The Project Officer praised the projects results and the congratulated the participants for the successful conclusion of the undertaking. Since 2008 there were more than 350 papers with CONET label. CONET sponsored 4 editions of the EWSN conference and supported more than 30 satellite events in top-ranked conferences. A series of Springer Briefs was produced and also two special sections in journals, three Summer Schools were organized with about 170 participants and a distinguished visitor program was established with more than 50 events.

The CONET Network of Excellence addressed the research and technological effort that will ultimately efficiently allow interlinking the real world physical objects and cyberspace, generally coined as “Cooperating-Objects” or “Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)”.

CONET included 16 core members, 11 from academia and 5 from industry. Academic members include ISEP, TU Delft (NL), TU Berlin (DE), UCL (UK), SICS (SE), University of Cyprus (CE), National University of Ireland, Galway (IR) and University of Pisa (IT). Industrial members are SAP (DE), Schneider-Electric GmbH (DE), SELEX Galileo Ltd (UK), Boeing Research & Technology Europe (ES) and Telecom Italia (IT). Within CONET, CISTER-ISEP was the leader of WP5 (Spreading of Excellence) and also of 2 out of 6 research projects (clusters COTS4QoS and SDP).

More information at: http://www.cooperating-objects.eu/about/