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PhD Student of the University of Padova Enrolls with CISTER

4, Mar, 2013
Andrea Baldovin, a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Padua, Italy, has enrolled with CISTER for an internship of 6 months.

Andrea received his Bachelor's and Master's Degree from University of Padua, where he has been involved in the EU-FP6 SPADE project and in the EU-FP7 PROARTIS project. His research interests include Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) Analysis of hard real-time systems, with particular attention to time-composable architectures and real-time operating systems.

CISTER will provide world-class expertise in enabling extending the results of PROARTIS into the mutiprocessor / multicore domains.

More information at: http://www.proartis-project.eu/