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Researchers Vincent Nelis and Stefan M. Petters Represent CISTER in Final RECOMP Project Meeting

6, Mar, 2013
CISTER Researchers Stefan M. Petters and Vincent Nelis participated in the final RECOMP project meeting and general assembly held in Madrid, on the 5th and 6th of February 2013. RECOMP is an Artemis-JU project involving 40 participants from industry, SMEs and academic institutions, e.g. EADS, Honeywell, Thales, Infineon and SYSGO. It addresses the certification and recertification of multicore systems. CISTER was contributing broadly in almost all work packages but most heavily and successfully in WP 2 dealing with analytical techniques, as well as the evaluation of certification challenges in WP4.

The general assembly was mainly concerned with the preparation of the upcoming final project review. Overall, the project concluded with substantial progress achieved in the certification of multicore architectures across significant application domains where Europe excels: automotive, aerospace and industrial electronics.

More information at: http://atc.ugr.es/recomp/