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CISTER Deeply Involved with 4 New European Artemis/FP7 Project Proposals

20, May, 2013
CISTER Researchers Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar and Luis Miguel Pinho participated on the 23rd and 24th of April in Brussels and Leuven in various meetings related to four new very relevant Artemis/FP7 project proposals, including two AIPP (Artemis Innovation Pilot Project) to be submitted early June in the Artemis Call 2013. CISTER has been actively involved in this call since the end of 2012 and has already participated in dozens of working meetings, both remote and physical meetings, in relation to these projects. One of the key efforts CISTER has placed has been towards helping to foster the involvement of Portuguese industrial players with the ambition of further contributing to the creation of impact by Portuguese teams involving industry and academia.

Further info is available at: http://www.artemis-ju.eu/call2013