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Positive results for CISTER in the European FP7 Call 10

27, May, 2013
Within the scope of the on-going efforts by CISTER to participate in the European R&D calls, last January CISTER participated in several initiatives to tackle the FP7 Call 10 (with projects submitted last January 17).

In that call, CISTER addressed in particular Objective ICT-2013.3.4 (Advanced computing, embedded and control systems), which intends to "combine and expand Europe's industrial strengths within embedded and mobile computing and in control of networked embedded systems".

The results of that call have been recently known, and provide a very positive outcome for the research centre activities.

CISTER-led project proposal P-SOCRATES (Parallel Software Framework for Time-Critical many-core Systems), which targeted outcome c) "Exploiting synergies and strengths between computing segments", received very good marks, and has been ranked within the first group of proposals, entering now the final negotiation phase. P-SOCRATES focuses on exporting the newest high-performance software techniques for exploiting task parallelism to increase performance of real-time embedded systems.

This project proposal joins together CISTER with the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (Spain), University of Modena (Italy), ETH Zurich (Switzerland), the SMEs Evidence (Italy) & Active Technologies (Italy) and the large IT company ATOS Origin (Spain). The proposal also has an Industrial Advisory Board which includes companies such as ST Microelectronics and IBM.

The project has a budget of 3.6 M€, and a foreseen EC contribution of 2.7 M€. CISTER has the largest share of this contribution, with around 550 K€ of European contribution.

Although not selected for funding, another proposal where CISTER participated, the CHORAL large Integrated Project, also received positive comments and received the same score as another proposal that was selected for negotiations. CHORAL addressed outcome b) "Control in embedded systems with mixed criticalities sharing computing Resources", and involved partners such as Universities of Trento and Pisa (Italy), KTH (Sweden), INRIA (France), NLR (Netherlands), Piaggio (Italy), ABB (Sweden) and Boeing (Spain).

This project focused on addressing mixed-criticality challenges in application domains such as factory automation and traffic management within airports. The positive comments received are being considered and the consortium is continuing to work on the proposal to tackle the forthcoming calls of Horizon 2020.

Further info is available at: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/docs/ict-wp2013-10-7-2013-with-cover-issn.pdf