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CISTER/INESC-TEC Scores the Best Paper Award at RTCSA 2013

14, Sep, 2013

The IEEE Conference on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA) is a well reputed and highly competitive event. This year the conference was held on 19-21 August in Taipei, Taiwan and saw a strong presence by CISTER researchers, who managed to get six papers accepted to this conference.

During the conference banquet the best paper award of the real-time systems track was handed to the paper "Global Fixed Priority Scheduling with Deferred Pre-emption", which was a collaborative work by the University of York (Robert Davis and Alan Burns), University of Modena (Marko Bertogna) and CISTER (Jose Marinho, Vincent Nelis, and Stefan M. Petters). This is a truly remarkable achievement for the collaborative efforts of CISTER and CISTER researchers.

Co-located with RTCSA 2013 was the 1st IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Networks, and Applications (CPSNA 2013). CISTER was also presenting one paper in this venue bringing the total participation of CISTER to these two conferences to seven accepted papers with one best paper award which once more demonstrated the strong presence of CISTER in the community.

More information at: http://www.rtcsa.org/ and http://www.cpsna.org/cpsna-2013/