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CISTER/INESC-TEC Distinguished Seminar Series Hosts Professor José Ramiro Martínez de Dios

14, Sep, 2013

CISTER had the honor of hosting a seminar by Professor José Martínez de Dios focusing on strengthening the collaborative activities of CISTER in the areas of Wireless Sensor Networks.

Professor Martínez de Dios presented on the 15th of July the seminar on "WSN-robot cooperation for localization, tracking and mapping". He holds a PhD in Telecommunication Engineering and is, since 2007, Associate Professor with the Robotics, Vision and Control Group at the University of Seville, Spain.

His main research topics are cooperative sensing, multi-robot systems and image processing. In these topics he has he coordinated 5 R&D projects and has participated in other 40 projects, including 13 EU-funded in different Frame Programs. He has also coordinated and participated in other 15 technology transfer projects to companies such as BOEING, FAASA, ITURRI and IBERDROLA, among others. He is author or co-author over 100 publications on cooperative perception, multi-robot systems and sensor fusion and has obtained 4 international awards including one of the 2010 EURON/EUROP Technology Transfer Awards for his participation in the AWARE project (IST-2006-33579).

More information at: http://www.cister.isep.ipp.pt/events/+distinguished+seminar+series/