CISTER advances its smart city initiatives
14, Jan, 2015

Smart cities have become an important narrative for using technologies to improve quality of life, especially in urban scenarios. CISTER has already started furthering its contributions in this area and recently participated in a number of networking events, namely the Smart City Expo in Barcelona and UBICITEC an European Center with the objective of establishing a world-class center of excellence on smart cities and ubiquitous technologies.
These visits focused on networking with like-minded institutions and individuals working in the field, and understanding the issues being tackled around the world in the form of experiences and case studies.
In an important development, Eduardo Tovar has been elected for the Steering Committee of UBICITEC for the year 2015 together with Prof, Jose Marron (U. Dessen, Germany) and Antonio Moreno (ETRA I+D, Spain)
CISTER is collaborating with the Câmara Municipal de Porto, a leading player to make Porto one of the European smart cities on various joint project proposals addressing several issues in this area. CISTER will also organize a workshop related to smart city during EWSN 2015 that will bring together leading experts and participants from various allied domains.