This February we are celebrating 4 years since CISTER researchers moved to the new Building at Rua Alfredo Allen. While this has been a tremendous logistical and financial effort by CISTER and the hosting and managing institutions, it has also been fundamental to achieve outstanding objectives in terms of research, transferring knowledge to the industry and the society, and advanced training of both PhD and undergrad students. It is remarkable that these objectives were attained during a harsh and long period of insufficient support to science and that simultaneously the resilient team of CISTER’s researchers was able to keep in the front-end of science production in the increasingly important area of embedded computing and cyber-physical systems.
CISTER is unarguably one of the international leaders in these areas of science and technology, and has been able, in the past 4 years, to develop another important pillar of its mission by fostering and developing a strong ecosystem of industry driven projects, activities and partnerships, in which we include a large set of important international and national players. In the past 4 years, CISTER was involved in more than 40 international initiatives in collaboration with more than 20 Portuguese companies such as Critical Software, GMV Skysoft, Portugal Telecom, Tekever, Isa Energy, Edisoft, Evoleo, EFACEC, Adira, Critical Materials, Critical Manufacturing, Embraer Portugal, Petrogal, Galp Energia, Thales Portugal, Freedom Grow, Kinematix, INOVA+, MicroIO, Ubiwhere, Porto Digital, etc.
Together with national industries we are now nurturing the concept of a centre of excellence and tech transfer in critical embedded computing systems, to be formally setup in the forthcoming weeks.
The conditions are set to allow the required stability and support to keep the sustainable growth and path of CISTER, the hosting and managing institutions and the national industry in the area.
Related links:
• CiWork worshop series: CiWork 2015, CiWork 2014, CiWork 2013
• Industry-driven projects: CISTER’s website