CISTER hosted two distinguished seminars
21, Apr, 2016
In April, CISTER received the visit of two experts, with the goal of furthering its scientific internationalization and collaborations: Daniel Gracia Perez from THALES, France and Shinpei Kato from Nagoya University, Japan.

Daniel Gracia Pérez is a Research Engineer at THALES, France, with focus on the development and application of new multi-core architectures to safety-critical systems. Daniel delivered a distinguished seminar series lecture on "Deterministic Platform Software for Hard Real-Time Systems using Multi-Core COTS". During his talk, he proposed an overview of existing Deterministic Platform Software (DPS) solutions to fundamental issues related to the integration of COTS processors in future generations of avionic equipment as well as a criteria leading to a uniform classification.

Shinpei Kato is an Associate Professor at Nagoya University, Japan. He is a co-director of Embedded Real-Time Systems Laboratory (ERTL) and Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory (PDSL) at Nagoya’s University Department of Information Engineering. During his visit, Shinpei Kato delivered a distinguished seminar series lecture on "How to build an autonomous vehicle from scratch". During the the talk, he presented an approach to building an autonomous vehicle using open-source software and hacking vehicles.