Sanjay K. Jha gave a CISTER distinguished seminar on Security in Internet of Things (IoT)
15, Nov, 2018
Sanjay K. Jha from Cybersecurity and Privacy Laboratory (Cyspri), Australia and the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) gave a distinguished seminar titled “Care or Not Care: Security in Internet of Things (IoT)". In the talk, he presented some results from his ongoing research projects on security of bodywork devices and Secure IoT configuration management. He also discussed about mechanisms to secure data provenance and location proof for wireless bodyworn sensing devices by exploiting symmetric spatio-temporal characteristics of the wireless link between two communicating parties.
Sanjay is Director of Cyspri at UNSW. He is the UNSW leader and IoT Security Theme leader of Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre (CyberCRC) in Australia. He also heads the Network Systems and Security Group (NetSys) at the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales. His research activities cover a wide range of topics in networking including Network and Systems Security, Wireless Sensor Networks, Adhoc/Community wireless networks, Resilience and Multicasting in IP Networks.
Sanjay has published over 200 articles in high quality journals and conferences and graduated 25 Phd students. He is the principal author of the book Engineering Internet QoS and a co-editor of the book Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systems Perspective.
Sanjay is an editor of the IEEE Trans. of Secure and Dependable Computing (TDSC) and served as an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) and the ACM Computer Communication Review (CCR).
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