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Four new compelling state-of-the-art research projects to start in 2012

13, Sep, 2011

CISTER submitted 6 project proposals to the 2010 FCT call of project proposals. We are glad to announce that out of those 6 proposals 3 were accepted for funding and got the rating of excellent.


All the new CISTER projects are in the very competitive areas of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering. This is an outstanding acceptance rate by CISTER that equals the one attained in the last two consecutive years. The projects are: REGAIN (Real-time scheduling on general purpose graphics processor units); SMARTS (Slack Management in Hierarchical Real-Time Systems) and SmartSkin (Densely Instrumented Physical Infrastructures), and represent a total of around 450 KEuros of funding to ISEP. These projects are led by CISTER researchers Björn Andersson, Stefan M. Petters and Eduardo Tovar, respectively.


CISTER participated additionally in 2 other proposals in consortia. We are also glad to announce that one of those was approved for funding: the AVIACC (Analysis and Verification of Critical Concurrent Programs) project. AVIACC is led by CCTC-UMinho and has as partners CISTER-ISEP, LIAAC-UPorto and CMAT-UMinho. The project leader within CISTER is researcher Luis Miguel Pinho.


More information soon at CISTER website.