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Research Colloquium - the retirement of Prof. Hermann Kopetz

30, Sep, 2011

CISTER Researcher Stefan M. Petters represented CISTER in the ceremony held in honour of the retirement of Prof. Hermann Kopetz, on 28th of September in Vienna. The event included a set of well known speakers, like John Rushby, Brian Randall and Tom Henzinger and a substantial international audience.

Prof. Kopetz is the father of the time-triggered architecture (TTA), which provides a computing infrastructure for the design and implementation of dependable distributed embedded systems and has heavily influenced the industry of reliable distributed computing. The chair for Real-Time Systems at the Vienna University of Technology was held by Prof. Kopetz since 1982. He has published a widely used textbook on Real-Time Systems, more than 150 papers and 20 patents on the topic of dependable embedded systems. Beyond that, Prof Kopetz has received multiple awards for his work, among them he received the IEEE Computer Society 2003 Technical Achievement Award in 2003 and was awarded the honorary degree of Dr. honoris causa by the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, France in 2007.

More information at http://www.vmars.tuwien.ac.at/people/kopetz.html.