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CISTER Distinguished Seminar Series Hosts Prof. Iain Bate

20, Sep, 2011

After other very distinguished speakers in the recent past, including Prof. Alan Burns (University of York, UK), Dr. Stamatis Karnouskos (SAP Research, Germany), Prof. Zdenek Hanzalek (Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic) or Prof. Tarek Abdelzaher (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA), CISTER had the honor of hosting yet another distinguished speaker, Prof. Iain Bate (University of York, UK). Professor Bate was visiting CISTER to participate in bilateral meeting aiming at further advancing collaboration in EU project proposals for the coming calls, and took the opportunity to give a very participated talk on "Designing and Demonstrating Dependability in Autonomic Computing".

Professor Iain Bate is a Senior Lecturer in Real-Time Systems at the University of York and a visiting professor at MDH (Sweden). He frequently performs consultancy related to the development and certification of systems for a range of international companies. He is the director of a University spin off working in the safety sector. His research on novel approaches to developing and assuring dependable real-time systems is widely published in more than 80 papers in top conferences and journals such as IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Computers and Industrial Informatics. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Systems Architecture.

More information at CISTER’s Seminar pages and Prof. Bate’s page.