Luis Miguel Nogueira (Publications)
PhD University of Porto, Portugal
Professor, Integrated PhD Researcher
Professor, Integrated PhD Researcher
Luís Nogueira got his BSc in Computer Engenineering at the School of Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, in 2000. In 2002, got his MSc and in 2009 his PhD in Informatics (Systems and Networks) at the Faculty of Science, Univeristy of Porto. Since 2001 he is teaching assistant at the Department of Computer Engineering of the School of Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. From 2000 to 2003 he was a researcher at NIAD&R (Distributed Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Group) of LIACC (Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Lab), University of Porto. Now, his current research interests are in the fields of Dynamic Distributed Real-time Systems, Quality of Service and Ad-hoc Networks.
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Journal Papers
A Capacity Sharing and Stealing Strategy for Open Real-time Systems HURRAY-TR-100503
Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel PinhoJournal of Systems Architecture, Elsevier. Apr 2010, Volume 56, Issue 4-6, pp 163-179.
Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel PinhoJournal of Systems Architecture, Elsevier. Apr 2010, Volume 56, Issue 4-6, pp 163-179.
Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
Supporting Parallelism in Server-based Multiprocessor Systems HURRAY-TR-101103
Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho31st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2010). 30, Nov to 3, Dec, 2010, Work-In-Progress Session. San Diego, U.S.A..
Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho31st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2010). 30, Nov to 3, Dec, 2010, Work-In-Progress Session. San Diego, U.S.A..
Flexible and Dynamic Replication Control for Interdependent Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems HURRAY-TR-100904
Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Jorge Coelho7th IFIP TC 10 Working Conference (DIPES 2010). 20 to 23, Sep, 2010, 329, pp 66-77. Brisbane, Australia.3rd IFIP TC 10 International Conference, BICC 2010, incluida em WCC 2010. Distributed, Parallel and Biologically Inspired Systems. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Jorge Coelho7th IFIP TC 10 Working Conference (DIPES 2010). 20 to 23, Sep, 2010, 329, pp 66-77. Brisbane, Australia.3rd IFIP TC 10 International Conference, BICC 2010, incluida em WCC 2010. Distributed, Parallel and Biologically Inspired Systems. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Experiences on the Implementation of a Cooperative Embedded System Framework: Short Paper HURRAY-TR-100801
Cláudio Maia, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho8th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems (JTRES 2010), ACM New York. 19, Aug, 2010, pp 70-72. Prague, Czechia.
Cláudio Maia, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho8th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems (JTRES 2010), ACM New York. 19, Aug, 2010, pp 70-72. Prague, Czechia.
Evaluating Android OS for Embedded Real-Time Systems HURRAY-TR-100604
Cláudio Maia, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho6th International Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT 2010). 6 to 9, Jul, 2010, pp 63-70. Brussels, Belgium.
Cláudio Maia, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho6th International Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications (OSPERT 2010). 6 to 9, Jul, 2010, pp 63-70. Brussels, Belgium.
Technical Reports
Experiences on the Implementation of a Cooperative Embedded System Framework HURRAY-TR-100605
Cláudio Maia, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho29, Jun, 2010.
Cláudio Maia, Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho29, Jun, 2010.
On the use of Code Mobility Mechanisms in Real-time Systems HURRAY-TR-100508
Luis Lino Ferreira, Luis Miguel Nogueira27, May, 2010.
Luis Lino Ferreira, Luis Miguel Nogueira27, May, 2010.
Towards a Flexible and Dynamic Replication Control for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems with QoS Interdependencies HURRAY-TR-100202
Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Jorge Coelho16, Feb, 2010.
Luis Miguel Nogueira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Jorge Coelho16, Feb, 2010.