Luis Miguel Pinho
Professor, Integrated PhD Researcher
Luis Miguel Pinho has a MSc (1997) and a PhD (2001) in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Porto. He is Coordinator Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering - School of Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, and Research Associate at the CISTER research unit, where he currently promotes and leads activities in, among others, real-time parallel programming models, scheduling of real-time parallel tasks, reliable software, run-time monitoring and real-time middleware.
Miguel was Project Coordinator and Technical Manager of the FP7 R&D European Project P-SOCRATES (Parallel SOftware framework for time-CRitical mAny-core sysTEmS) and is CISTER coordinator in the H2020 EnerGAware and P2020 Khronosim projects. In the past, Miguel was also Coordinator of CooperatES and Reflect FCT-funded Research Projects, and CISTER Coordinator of the ITEA 2 CarCoDe, Artemis project ENCOURAGE and FP5 NNES project REMPLI, among others.
His main research interest is on the software infrastructure for real-time embedded systems, in particular languages and operating systems. He is especially interested in Ada, the best language for real-time embedded systems. Miguel is a member of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG9 and board member of Ada-Europe.
Miguel has published several papers in international conferences and journals in the area of real-time embedded systems, and participated in the Organization and Program Committees of several international conferences in the area. He served as General Chair and Program Co-Chair of Ada-Europe 2006 and General Co-Chair of ARCS 2015, was a Keynote Speaker at RTCSA 2010 and Program Co-Chair of Ada-Europe 2012, Ada-Europe 2016 and RTNS 2016. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Ada User Journal, and a member of the HiPEAC network of excellence.