
Nuno Pereira (Publications)

Nuno Pereira (Publications)

Nuno Pereira (Publications)

PhD University of Minho, Portugal
Professor, Research Associate
in CISTER till October 2015

Nuno Pereira received a degree in computer engineering from the School of Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Porto, Portugal, a M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, in 2002 and 2005 and 2010 respectively. He is a researcher at CISTER, a top-ranked research unit of the Portuguese research system since 2001. He started his research work dedicated to traffic scheduling combining multimedia and industrial communication protocols, and also analyzed the timing behavior of several industrial communication protocols, having developed analysis techniques for them. More recently, Nuno developed novel medium access control protocols for wireless networks and explored efficient ways to obtain aggregated quantities in large scale, dense wireless networks. His research was published in more than 30 technical papers in peer reviewed scientific venues.

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Conference or Workshop Papers/Talks
INDEPTH: Timeliness Assessment of Ethernet/IP-based Systems HURRAY-TR-0433 
Nuno Pereira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar12th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'04), IEEE. 4, Oct, 2004, pp 192-201. Volendam, Netherlands.
A Few What-Ifs on Using Statistical Analysis of Stochastic Simulation Runs to Extract Timeliness Properties HURRAY-TR-0419 
Berta Batista, Ian Broster, Nuno Pereira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar1st International Workshop on Probabilistic Analysis Techniques for Real-Time Systems (PARTES '04). 26, Sep, 2004. Piza, Italy.
Timeliness in COTS Factory-Floor Distributed Systems: What Role for Simulation? HURRAY-TR-0428 
Nuno Pereira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar5th IEEE Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS '04). 1, Sep, 2004, pp 13-21. Vienna, Austria.
Ethernet-based Systems: Contributions to the Holistic Analysis HURRAY-TR-0418 
Nuno Pereira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo TovarWork in Progress Session, 16th Euromicro Conference on Real-time Systems (ECRTS '04). 30, Jun, 2004, pp 25-28. Catania, Italy.
Technical Reports
Ethernet-based Systems: Contributions to the Holistic Analysis HURRAY-TR-0415 
Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar1, Apr, 2004.
From Simulation to Statistical Analysis: Timeliness Assessment of Ethernet/IP-based Distributed Systems HURRAY-TR-0416 
Nuno Pereira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar1, Apr, 2004.
Timeliness in COTS Factory-Floor Distributed Systems: What Role for Simulation? HURRAY-TR-0409 
Nuno Pereira, Luis Miguel Pinho, Eduardo Tovar1, Mar, 2004.